
12’ - 14’X60’ Drilling Command Centre

12’ X 60’ Engineer/Engineer
12’ X 60’ Engineer/Engineer with Laboratory
14’ X 60’ Engineer/Engineer
14’ X 62’ 3 – Man Executive
14’ X 62’ 4 – Man Executive
12’ - 14’X60’ Drilling Command Centre
12’ X 60’ Super Single
12’ X 22’ Laboratory
14’ X 60’ 4 – Man Directional Sleeper
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Our Drilling Control Centres provide office space for three different areas to your drilling needs. Areas such as the Directional Drillers office can be accessed through a separate door that includes two desk areas with some cupboard space.

The engineer’s end has it’s own entrance. Each area has a small kitchen that comes complete with fridges, coffee makers and toaster ovens. The Geologist’s end has a larger stainless steel stink, stove, and sample area.

The unit shares a common furnace, air conditioning, and washroom facility.

What's Included
Satellite TV
Geologists Stainless Steel Sink
Vented Geologist Stove
Central Vacuum
Air Conditioning
AM/FM/CD Radio
Coffee Makers
3 Work Areas